Practice Areas

Our law firm provides comprehensive legal representation across various criminal practice areas, including white-collar crimes, drug offenses, theft, and violent crimes. We combine in-depth legal knowledge with strategic defense tactics to protect your rights and pursue the best possible outcomes. Whether facing a misdemeanor or a serious felony, our experienced attorneys are committed to guiding you through every step of the legal process.


Under Minnesota law, prostitution means hiring, offering to hire, or agreeing to hire someone to engage in sexual contact. It can also mean being hired, offering to be hired, or agreeing to be hired to engage in sexual contact.

Certain prostitution offenses are enhanceable, meaning that if you are charged with the same crime within a specified period, the second charge may be enhanced to a higher degree, resulting in more severe penalties. Prostitution is a misdemeanor, gross misdemeanor, or felony offense, depending on the circumstances.

Additionally, a prostitution conviction could have civil implications for your driving record. If a court convicts you of any of the below mentioned prostitution offenses and finds you used a motor vehicle in the commission of the offense, the court is required to forward its finding to the commissioner of public safety. If it is your first offense, it is classified as private data that is only accessible for law enforcement purposes. If you have any previous prostitution or sex trafficking conviction, then the information becomes public.

Patron of Prostitution

Patron of prostitution is the most severe of prostitution offenses. “Patron of prostitution” means you hired, offered to hire, or agreed to hire someone to engage in sexual contact. Under this subdivision, the other party must have been 18 years of age or older. At its base level, patron of prostitution is a gross misdemeanor offense, but it can be enhanced to a felony if you have a previous patron of prostitution conviction within 10 years.

If you have been charged with patron of prostitution, penalties include up to 364 days in jail and/or a $3,000 fine.

If you have been charged with patron of prostitution for the second time within 10 years of a patron of prostitution conviction, penalties include up to 5 years in prison and/or a $10,000 fine.

General Prostitution

General prostitution applies if you were acting as a prostitute. “Acting as a prostitute” means you were hired, offered to be hired, or agreed to be hired to engage in sexual contact. Under this subdivision, the other party must have been 18 years of age or older. General prostitution is typically a misdemeanor offense, but can be enhanced to a gross misdemeanor if you have a previous general prostitution conviction within 2 years.

If you have been charged with general prostitution, penalties include up to 90 days in jail and/or a $1,000 fine.

If you have been charged with general prostitution for the second time within 2 years of a general prostitution conviction, penalties include up to 364 days in jail and/or a $3,000 fine.

Prostitution in a Public Place

Prostitution in a public place applies if you were acting as a prostitute. “Acting as a prostitute” means you were hired, offered to be hired, or agreed to be hired to engage in sexual contact. Under this subdivision, the other party must have been 18 years of age or older. Prostitution in a public place is a gross misdemeanor offense. If you are charged with prostitution in a public place, penalties include up to 364 days in jail and/or a $3,000 fine.

Engaging in Prostitution with a Minor

Engaging in prostitution with a minor is a felony offense that applies if you were a patron of prostitution or if you were acting as a prostitute. “Patron of prostitution” means you hired, offered to hire, or agreed to hire someone to engage in sexual contact, whereas “acting as a prostitute” means you were hired, offered to be hired, or agreed to be hired to engage in sexual contact.

If you are charged with engaging in prostitution with a minor, and the other party was under the age of 14 years, penalties include up to 20 years in prison and/or a $40,000 fine, as well as mandatory predatory offender registration.

If you are charged with engaging in prostitution with a minor, and the other party was under the age of 16 years but at least 14 years old, penalties include up to 10 years in prison and/or a $20,000 fine, as well as mandatory predatory offender registration.

If you are charged with engaging in prostitution with a minor, and the other party was under the age of 18 years but at least 16 years old, penalties include up to 5 years in prison and/or a $10,000 fine, as well as mandatory predatory offender registration.

Housing an Unrelated Minor Engaged in Prostitution

Providing housing to a minor engaged in prostitution that you have no legal relation to (blood, adoption, or marriage) is a gross misdemeanor offense. In order to be charged with this offense, you must have known or had reason to know that the minor was engaging in prostitution. Additionally, the minor’s parent or guardian must have not provided their consent to the living arrangement. This offense does not apply to residential placements made, sanctioned, or supervised by a social service agency. If you are charged with housing an unrelated minor engaged in prostitution, penalties include up to 364 days in jail and/or a $3,000 fine.

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