What Happens Next

Our law firm specializes in defending clients facing DUI charges, offering personalized legal strategies to challenge evidence and mitigate penalties. We understand the serious consequences of a DUI conviction, from license suspension to criminal records, and work diligently to protect your rights. With a proven track record and commitment to your defense, we aim to secure the best possible outcome for your case.

Good People Get DUI’s

With the increasingly strict DUI laws, it is now easier than ever to be arrested for a DUI. Most people charged with DUI are not reckless or irresponsible. They are reputable individuals who made a mistake in judgment and got caught. In fact, according to the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, one in seven people with a Minnesota driver’s license have a DUI.

During his career as a criminal defense attorney, David Valentini has successfully handled thousands of DUI cases for people in every walk of life including professional athletes, CEO’s, school teachers, airline pilots, nurses and even other attorneys.

Meet with an Experienced Attorney

DUI has become a very complex area of law and the penalties have become increasingly harsh. An experienced DUI attorney can help you navigate the many complicated procedural, evidentiary, constitutional, sentencing and administrative license issues.

Valentini Law P.A. offers a free initial consultation. At that time, we will assess your legal situation and explain the consequences of your charges. We will also discuss potential defenses that may be used in your case. For our clients charged with DUI, we seek:

  • Dismissed charges
  • Reduced charges
  • Restored driving privileges
  • Returned vehicles subject to forfeiture
  • Alternatives to jail or prison time
  • Alcohol treatment options

For effective handling of a DUI/DWI charge, call or email our office. We represent first time offenders, repeat offenders, drunk boaters, and drivers accused of vehicular manslaughter. At Valentini Law P.A. we handle every case with aggressive representation, determination, and personal care.

What to Expect at Court

Arraignment/First Appearance – If you are charged with misdemeanor DUI, you can avoid appearing for the first court date by hiring an experienced defense attorney. However, if you are charged with a gross misdemeanor or felony DUI you will be required to appear at the first appearance. At this first hearing, you will be given notice of subsequent court appearances.

Pretrial Hearing/Omnibus Hearing – The second appearance for a misdemeanor charge is called a pretrial hearing. If it is a felony charge, an Omnibus hearing is held. At this second court appearance, your defense attorney will negotiate with the prosecuting attorney in order to obtain the best possible outcome for you. If the case is not resolved at this court appearance, it may be rescheduled for another pretrial hearing in an attempt to find a resolution, or it may proceed to trial.

Trial – On the date of the trial, another effort will be made by an experienced attorney to resolve the matter. If it cannot be resolved, your case will proceed to trial. A trial will usually begin with the jury selection. The prosecutor and your defense attorney will have the opportunity to ask the potential jurors a series of questions in an attempt to reveal strong biases that may help or hinder the case against you.

Following jury selection, the prosecutor and your defense attorney will present opening statements, which serve to outline each side’s theory of the case. The trial will then continue with questioning of witnesses by each side. Finally, your attorney and the prosecutor will give closing arguments, which summarizes each side’s case and is a final attempt to sway the jurors to one side or the other.

Sentencing – Punishment for a DUI/DWI conviction can include jail or prison time, fines, and supervised or unsupervised probation. A skilled DUI attorney may also negotiate alternatives to incarceration, which may include treatment, electronic home monitoring, work release programs or community service.

Implied Consent Hearing – In Minnesota, when you are arrested for DUI, there are really two (2) cases: the criminal case and the civil case, which involves contesting your driver’s license revocation. At the implied consent hearing, issues such as the validity of the stop by the police officer and the procedures followed (or not followed) by that officer may be contested. Your attorney may also challenge the accuracy of the breath, blood or urine testing at this hearing.

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